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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Vigilante 8 : Second Offense

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Game Name : Vigilante 8 : Second Offense
System : Dreamcast
Date Added : 2005-11-21 15:21:05
Views : 24401

No wheel attachment icons
Enter "DRIVE_ONLY" as a password to disable wheel attachment icons from spawning.

Special attacks

Interceptor Missiles

Attack 1: Up, Up, Down, Machine Gun
Attack 2: Up, Up, Up, Machine Gun
Attack 3: Up, Up, Right, Machine Gun

Bull's Eye Rockets

Attack 1: Up, Down, Down, Machine Gun
Attack 2: Up, Down, Up, Machine Gun
Attack 3: Up, Down, Right, Machine Gun

Sky Hammer Mortar

Attack 1: Down, Down, Down, Machine Gun
Attack 2: Down, Down, Up, Machine Gun
Attack 3: Down, Down, Right, Machine Gun

Brusier Cannon

Attack 1: Down, Up, Down, Machine Gun
Attack 2: Down, Up, Up, Machine Gun
Attack 3: Down, Up, Right, Machine Gun

Roadkill Mines

Attack 1: Left, Right, Down, Machine Gun
Attack 2: Left, Right, Up, Machine Gun
Attack 3: Left, Right, Right, Machine Gun

Brimstone Burner

Attack 1: Right, Left, Down, Machine Gun
Attack 2: Right, Left, Up, Machine Gun
Attack 3: Right, Left, Right, Machine Gun

Heavier cars
Enter "GO_RAMMING" as a password to increase your car's weight and ramming ability.

Same cars in multi-player
Enter "MIXED_CARS" as a password to allow more than one person to select the same car in multi-player mode.

View all ending sequences
Enter "LONG_MOVIE" as a password to view all endings in one continuous sequence.

No gravity
Enter "NO_GRAVITY" as a password to reduce gravity to the point that your car will almost float when a bump is hit.

Refill Energy in Minnesota
Enter the plant and head up the railed ramp. There are three computers in the center of the room. When a green light appears on top of one, ram your car into it. You should hear a chime, and green lights should appear next to the two generators below. Slowly drive beside them, and the screen should flash and you should get a bit of your car's health restored.

Faster cars
Enter "MORE_SPEED" as a password.

Slow-motion mode
Enter "GO_SLOW_MO" as a password.

All Levels
At the main menu go to options, press A on the characters screen. Then press L and R together. Then enter "old_levels". You will get the levels from the first V8 !

High suspensions
Enter "JACK_IT_UP" as a password.

Super missiles
Enter "BLAST_FIRE" as a password to increase the damage from missiles.

Password screen
Enter the options screen, select "Game Status", then press L + R.

Big Ant in Arizona Stage
Destroy the observatory in Arizona and wait until you will hear a big boom. Go check the big crater in the middle of the stage and you will see a big asteroid. Destroy the asteroid and a giant ant will come out and shoot anyone in the stage.

No enemies in arcade mode
Enter "HOME_ALONE" as a password.

Big wheels
Enter "GO_MONSTER" as a password.

Rapid fire
Enter "RAPID_FIRE" as a password to remove the delay when shooting weapons.

Fast action
Enter "QUICK_PLAY" as a password to enable a random fast action arcade feature.

Attract enemies
Enter "UNDER_FIRE" as a password to have three enemies attack simultaneously.

Refill Energy in Arizona
In Arizona, to refill your energy without having to slowly pick up wrenches all over the stage, go to one of the Ed's Rocketfuel Stations, and drive in between the pump & the building, your energy will automatically be refilled.

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